Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Linkup from the ... um... sink-up?

buttonWell, once again I was reading a few of my fav blogs, and saw that Holly over at Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally was having a Finish the Sentence Linkup.The person with the funniest answers wins a $10 giftcard. So naturally, I decided to join in, if not just for the quick and easy blog post. I'm a sleepy girl, after-all.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Juno Post.... Because I love my dog just the right amount...

Just thought I'd share a few pictures of my running partner, then and now. Isn't she the cutest??

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shin splints...Oooh the Shin splints...

Pre-run, drinking water, while Juno impatiently
waits to go. The dog loves to run!
Aaand it's been nearly a month since my last post. I'm a slack-tastic blogger. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't slacked on running... Even though the pain in my legs and my ceaseless attempts to make it stop unsuccessfully makes me want to throat punch the next person I see - Bad news for The Stud...I kidd, I kidd. Wanna get caught up? Keep reading, then feel free to comment and tell me WTH I'm doing wrong :)