Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Linkup from the ... um... sink-up?

buttonWell, once again I was reading a few of my fav blogs, and saw that Holly over at Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally was having a Finish the Sentence Linkup.The person with the funniest answers wins a $10 giftcard. So naturally, I decided to join in, if not just for the quick and easy blog post. I'm a sleepy girl, after-all.

1. If calories didn't count, I would eat... 
chocolate covered strawberries on top of brownies on top of ice cream on top of a man made of sugar.
2. On my Prom night....
I danced the night away with all the signature white girl moves we all love.
3. When I go to the store, I always buy...
everything EXCEPT what I came for. List: Milk, Eggs, Bread, Butter.. What I got? Coloring book, Bobblehead, Snickers bar, Silly bands.
4. Family functions typically...
end with all of us playing games, cursing at each other, and group hugs. Lovely.
5. I think my blog readers...
readers? With an 's'?
6. I'd much rather be.....
in size 7 jeans.... what?
7. I have an obsession with....
I have no obsessions... except chocolate, Texas, singing, sarcasm and puppies.
8. My work friends....
Work friends?
9. When I created my Facebook account....
I was dropping Myspace like a cheap hooker.
10. My least favorite word is...
Panties. I feel like a pervert came up with that word.
11. I really don't remember....
... what was I saying?
12. Justin Bieber....

1 comment:

  1. panties is a popular answer! haha! thanks for linking!


Have something to say? Say it to my face.. er.. or.. something. Yea.
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