Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Let's play a game of catch, shall we? Catch Up, that is...

Why a picture of The Stud and I
wrapped in lights? Because it's cute
and I love it. And I wanted I pic in
this post.... 
     SO writing once a day? Definitely not going to happen. Why? Because 1- I just don't have enough to say (shut up. don't even say anything. I can just hear those of you that know me...) and 2- my body has actually adapted to a big girl's schedule and I get sleepy at 9, wake up at 7:15 without my alarm (I lay there for another 20 minutes of course...) and my wits are slightly exhausted by the end of the day. Maybe once a week. If it happens to be more than that... well.... good for me, I suppose. Anyway! On to more exciting (eh, not really) things. How about them Ravens???