Saturday, December 6, 2014

Updates.... because I know you've all been clamoring for them

     So many things to update, and so little time to do so! I'll stick to the high points, cause the lows are kind of a downer. Massage school is crazy, and wonderful, and intense, and informative and a bunch of other fitting adjectives.  Online school is alright. I'm in a lit class and a math class. Both would be great if my laptop worked and I was capable of participating like I'm supposed to. I can't complain though, I have had it for over 6 years, and it's been through the ringer. I'll just have to figure out a way to make it last a little longer....

     Home life is terrific! The Stud decided I was pretty much a keeper. He liked it so he went and put a ring on it. We're still getting used to using the 'f' word (fiancée/fiancé, y'all). I have been so burnt out on everything that I threw myself into planning the wedding and have gotten nearly everything planned, so that's nifty.

     The holidays are approaching and I have done ZERO gift shopping. I am pretty much broke from spending all my money on gas and food, so that's probably not going to happen. Hope everyone likes handmade gifts! Speaking of, I've been knitting again. I'm actually making a few things for coworkers, so that's helping with money. I am doing a scarf trade with another coworker, which is exciting because I love her scarves.

     Since I have been really busy losing my mind, I haven't had time to write.... which drives me even further up a wall. I decided I would try my hand at a few more short stories, so I'm in the process of writing those. I'm going to try and put one up this weekend, so here's hoping that gets accomplished.

     Oh, and just about all of my sisters' eggos are prego. So that's super fun.

     That's about it. I know this isn't the best post there ever was, buuut beggars can't be choosers (because, ya know, there people begging me to blog....)

Until next time, y'all....

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