Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Big News, Little Post

Oh my damn, y'all! It's been a great day! Wanna know why?
Guess you'll have to keep reading :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Elementary, my dear Watson.

So this past week we had to write a short drama scene for class. I was terrified. I had no idea how to write a screenplay, much less what I would even write about. Thankfully, The Stud's brother is pretty freakin smart, and helped me brainstorm writing topics. Once we settled on one, I started writing. In the middle of it, I scrapped everything I had, and started over with something based off of what we thought of. Guess what? It's pretty great. I'm pretty proud. And I got a pretty "A" on the assignment. Boom.

Here's the finished product for y'all. Enjoy!



A couple sits together on a park bench surrounded by trees, frolicking children, and joggers passing on their afternoon runs.

The WOMAN stares sadly at BEN, holds his hands tightly in hers.

Don't you understand? It's not something I can control! I can't just change my mind.

Ben pulls his hands away.

I think you could, dear. You could if you tried. Don't you love me at all?

A tear rolls down Ben's cheek. The woman wipes it away, and lifts his chin so their eyes meet.

Honey, you know that I do. You also know that has nothing to do with how I feel about him. This is ridiculous. Why are we even having this discussion?

Ben stares at her, bewildered by her question.

Jesus, Ben, you act like this is a deal breaker! Out of everything we have been through, this is what makes you want to throw in the towel?

Ben turns away, crosses his arms over his chest.

The woman lets out an over exaggerated SIGH.

Ben spins around to face the woman.

Are you kidding me right now? What, am I just supposed to pretend you don't feel the way I do? What about him is so appealing to you?

Well... I mean, you know I am so attracted to you...

Ben leaps up off of the bench, fists balled by his sides.

I knew it! It's the muscles, and the hair. I'll bet it's the name, too! Everyone knows him. Everyone!

The woman rises to her feet as well, places her hands on his chest trying to placate him.

Darling, you know that's not it. It's a simple matter of taste, and what I expect to get out of your role. What did you expect? Honestly?

I expected a little class, for one! I expected you to value intellect over brawn. Results over action!

The woman glances away sheepishly.

Oh he gets results, don't worry.

Ben is stopped short. His shoulders hunch, defeated.

Is that it then? That's how you feel?

The woman takes Ben's hand and pulls him back, seated on the bench.

Yes, darling. I told you. I can't help how I feel. He moves me in a way you don't. That doesn't mean this has to end.

I'm afraid it does.

Ben stands, starts to walk away, stops to speak over his shoulder.

I can't be with a woman who thinks DOWNEY plays a better SHERLOCK HOLMES than me.


Monday, August 4, 2014

On Writing, Critiquing, and Homework... and stuff.

     So I've been doing the school thing since April, and I've actually learned a great deal. Most of which revolves around how quickly I can turn out work when I give myself about three hours to finish it. Go me?